Welcome to Bali Jiwa! We are an independent organic shop offering the best quality organically and locally sourced produce from sustainable and eco-friendly farming projects. We started out in 2017 as a way to connect sustainable farming projects with receptive consumers. Our initial focus was rice – the cornerstone of Balinese agriculture and religion. We have now grown to include over 400 products, ranging from fresh fruit and veg to spices and vegan cheese.


Our aim is to cut out the corporate middle man and provide farmers with the dignity and livelihood they deserve, while providing our customers with the clean, quality food they desire.

We differ from the usual food delivery and “organic” products businesses in may ways, not least because we are very strict in our definition of what “organic” really is.

Scroll down to learn more about what makes us different and sets us apart from other food companies.

We strive to bring the most wholesome, delicious, highest-quality products we can find. However, if it is not truly organic, we won’t say that it is. Transparency is the key, and it’s up to you – the consumer – to make the choice.While not all our foods may be certified organic, we ensure that they are not treated with artificial pesticides or fertilisers. We regularly inspect all our facilities and suppliers to guarantee you the highest standards of quality. That way, we can keep both you, the farmers, and the environment happy and healthy.

We pay the farmers fairly for their products and, at the same time, we don’t cheat our customers. We only add a modest profit margin to allow us to operate, and we don’t hike the prices to exorbitant levels just becasue it says “Organic” on the label.​ That way, we also make healthy food more accessible to the local population, rather than just the foreign guests. Our intention is to make everybody healthy and more conscious.

When we say “Organic”, we mean foods that are uncontaminated with synthetic chemicals, and that are socially, economically, and environmentally sensitive to the needs of producers and consumers. NO hybrids, NO GMOs, and NO massive mono-cultures.

We re-invest part of our profits to provide support for, and stimulate the creation of, sustainable agrarian practices throughout Bali. We particularly focus on transmitting traditional agrarian knowledge to the youth and women, so as to train the next generation of sustainable farmers.

We partner with local NGOs and activists to consult, evaluate, and maintain the high-standards we set for ourselves, and the farmers we work with.