Amomum compactum is an aromatic herbaceous plant that is used to asthma, cancer, antioxidant, and anti-bacterial.
Amomum compactum Soland ex Maton is native plant in Indonesia, which is used as medicine and spices. The use of plants as medicine and spices relates to its compounds of secondary metabolites especially the essential oil.
Dried round cardamom seed has an essential-oil content of 2-4%, composed primarily of 1,8-cineole (up to 70%), ?-pinene (16%), ?-pinene (4%), ?-terpineol (5%) and humulene (3%). Fresh rhizomes and roots have an essential-oil content of about 0.1% which also contains 1,8-cineole.
The seeds of round cardamom have a peppery, ginger-like flavour and serve as a warm aromatic spice to sweeten the breath and to appetize food. They are sometimes considered as having a more appreciated taste than the seed of the true cardamom (Elettaria cardamomum (L.) Maton) for which they also serve as a substitute. Steam distillation of the seed yields an essential oil that is used in the perfume and flavour industry. Medicinally the seeds are used as a stomachic, as a remedy against colds and coughs and as a tonic, especially after childbirth. Raw, cooked or steamed young shoots are often eaten as a vegetable. A decoction of the whole plant is drunk as a tonic and to alleviate rheumatic pain. Dried crushed rhizomes are taken to reduce fever and to combat intestinal pains.
In Chinese medicine, they are used by herbalists in the treatment of various diarrheal disorders: heartburn, nausea, flatulence, indigestion, lack of appetite. Also, this drug can be used in the depletion of biochemical and functional reserves of the organism, pulmonary pathology, cataract, malaria and hangover. It helps to eliminate blood stasis, drives out “wind and dampness”, protects the digestive system from pathogenic agents. The dosage of seeds is assigned individually.The maximum daily intake for an adult should not exceed 326 grams.
Round the essential oil of cardamom is extracted from the ground parts of the plant also has healing properties. This fragrant colorless fluid found its wide application in aromatherapy and perfume industry. This tool, very refreshing breath is added to toothpastes and mouthwashes, and is also used for relieving stress and the treatment of neuroses.